Built as a software solution with modular features, Cryptonovae is designed to tackle the needs of crypto and traditional retail traders on the digital assets markets. But most notably it is the solution to finally trade cryptocurrencies efficiently.
For more than a decade cryptocurrencies have steadily grown into the asset of the 21st century. Admittedly with its fair share of dramatic ups and downs, the introduction of Bitcoin has indisputably been one of the most notable steps in the evolution of our monetary landscape.
From mainstream to institutional adoption to regulatory overlapping frameworks and an ocean of technological advancements along the way, cryptocurrencies’ future never looked brighter than today.
Contrary to this evolution, cryptocurrency trading did not evolve proportionally and still leaves traders’ experiences range at an insufficient level. In terms of functionality and user friendliness crypto trading still faces an untapped potential.
Generally speaking, trading cryptos is a rather bald and one-dimensional experience, as UIXs on most platforms only distinguish themselves through their branding but not through technological advancement: charting, order books, and the arrangement of the interface remain the same everywhere. It certainly allows for the basic trading experiences but leaving sophisticated traders with the difficulties of applying advanced trading strategies to a system that is not built to accommodate this easily.
Traders like to compare.The common functions on crypto exchanges don’t allow for an in-depth and convenient trading set-up, where one can check performances on more than one chart simultaneously and with custom set timeframes. While this is the standard crypto traders are used to, the actual finesse that can be applied to trading is still at a rudimentary level.
And exactly this untapped potential and the need for sophisticated trading is what gave life to Cryptonovae. Born from a very selfish idea, improving our own trading, we started building a software layer that would allow us to trade efficiently. We wanted something to give us the ability to have multiple time frames on one screen, the ability to split into many screens, ultimately to also build custom timeframes (call us weirdos, but we love 18s charts when we do scalping). On top of it, we needed one-click Take-profits and Stop-losses. Last but not least, we wanted the ultimate trade manager, which rightfully so deserves an entire article for itself.
Having worked relentlessly to deliver what we expect to be the best crypto trading experience, we released our alpha version recently which was extensively tested during the summer. So far it supports Binance and Kraken exchange. The go-to-market version will come packed with four major exchanges and we will keep developing connections on the go until we reach our goal in terms of exchanges specifications and localizations.
As of now we can reveal to having implemented the following features:
- Multi timeframes — to keep an eye on trends
- Multi screens — to simultaneously monitor your charts
- Take Profits and Stop Losses on one click — because time matters
- Drag and drop Take Profits and Stop Losses — for intuitive trading
- Custom timeframes — set the perfect time-frame for your unique trading strategy
- Automated trading support — take advantage of system based approaches
- Trade manager — reduces risks manual trading poses
- Indicators, drawings — create a multidimensional overview
- 2FA protection — better safe than sorry
- API secret key encrypted and stored on your machine — manage your own security
- Software client solution — no more never ending list of browser tabs
- And many more features to be revealed soon
And all of this while connecting all the major exchanges, centralized and decentralized.
In the next article, we will explain how we turned all this into a free-to-use software while introducing innovative ways to engage with our users.
In the meantime feel free to check out our youtube channel…