A New Dawn, Same Vision: The Story Behind Cryptonovae’s Visual Rebrand
On a first impression, this story is about how Cryptonovae’s visual identity evolved from what it was to what it is now. But there is more to it than meets the eye and with all things Cryptonovae, there is reason and a story behind it.
The decision to rebrand was the logical conclusion after the lightspeed process the project went through in the past few months. From only a handful of passionate crypto nerds to a team of 20+ people, dozens of partnerships, a cross-chain token, and from an Alpha Version to the official launch of the ecosystem only a few weeks away — we certainly have been busy and creative. And we loved every second of it!
Needless to say, that the evolution we went through felt like it should also display in our visual appearance, making it sharper, bolder, sexier — just the way the product is!
The Logo
Don’t get us wrong, we loved our old logo but felt it didn’t match the extent of what Cryptonovae has become. After all, by creating our own utility token, we have become more than just your average trading tool. We are on a lightspeed track to becoming the most all-encompassing trading ecosystem the market has to offer.
With the creation of our round logo, which still contains a modified version of the original arrows, we finally united the round nature representing an ecosystem and through the flash-like arrows the fast and precise nature of the product. We came a long way from the first logo to this one and finally feel at home now.
The Website
While the final web presence, which will encompass the vast ecosystem, is due to launch with the release of the product, we are happy to present you our new slimmed temporary version of the homepage in our new design. On the website, you have the possibility to already create accounts and if you are selected in our beta testing campaign, you can partake through those accounts in it.
Be our guest and check out the website in all its glory here.
Same Vision
We might have changed our appearance a bit, but we still stick to the same values and most importantly, the same vision from day one — to build a tool, that allows you to Trade Crypto Like Never Before!
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Investing in YAE tokens involves the risk of a partial or total loss of the investment. There can be no assurance as to the liquidity of the tokens acquired during the offer, the existence of a secondary market for such tokens, the value of the tokens acquired during the offer, and the equivalent value of these tokens in foreign currency. The YAE tokens do not constitute financial instruments within the meaning of European regulations (MIFID) and do not confer any other rights than those described in our pitch deck and technical white paper. In addition, the regulatory framework applicable to the offer and to the tokens and the tax regime applicable to the holding of the tokens is not currently defined in certain jurisdictions.